Our Enterprise Bot Services

Enterprises are beginning to embrace chatbots, and we believe that enterprise bots will soon become a mainstream channel for customer interaction.

As well as providing a DIY framework for developers and agencies, Botpress offers done-for-you enterprise services, where we partner with you to build the bot you need.

If you qualify to work with us, we’ll provide you with a free quote within 48 hours. You have no obligation to do business with us and we have a fair money-back guarantee (but nobody ever claimed it).

Because every enterprise situation is both different and complex, this is a customized service rather than an off-the-wall bot in a box. We therefore ask, if you’re interested, to please contact us to discuss your specific situation and we’ll provide you a with a free, no-obligation quote.

When creating a bot, there are different considerations for enterprises as opposed to smaller businesses. While both the enterprise and the smaller business will strive for creating the best possible bot with the resources and within the time available, the enterprise has many more issues to consider:


While a smaller business needs to be concerned about security and must take appropriate precautions, an enterprise has much more at stake. The costs of a security breach can be much higher in both financial and brand terms than for a smaller business. The large enterprise is obviously much more of a target for hackers than a small company.


Any poorly-performing solution an enterprise deploys may affect customers’ brand perception. This is particularly true because an enterprise is a higher profile company with minimum performance standards in the mind of the customer. Any missteps can result in unwanted publicity.


An enterprise will have a larger customer base, and therefore needs to implement solutions that can scale performance comfortably to the required level of engagements.


Smaller businesses often have a single person or single team implementing a new technology. An enterprise often has multiple stakeholders involved in the release of a new product, and multiple teams actually working on the implementation. Moreover, the systems are more complex—so the negative impact of bad software design choices is likely to be higher for an enterprise than for a smaller business.


Enterprises often have the internal resources to be able to optimize any aspect of a system or data. While initially a small business and enterprise may have the goal of creating a great bot, the enterprise will likely want to have full control of its data and source code so that over time it is able to use its internal development capabilities to increase synergies between applications and services.


The enterprise is likely to face tougher, better-funded, and global competition. The enterprise bot will not only be judged on its own merits, but also against the high profile competition.

Bots developed for enterprise need to address these considerations.And Botpress does…

An enterprise bot needs to be created with security in mind. One of the first steps an enterprise can take in this regard is to host the bot on-premises. Hosting the bot on your own premises means that you have full control of the servers that it runs on, and of the development process. You can therefore implement your full security policy. Aside from ensuring that conversations are suitability encrypted, you’ll want features like role-based security and multi-user management so that access to the bot functionality can be controlled to a high level of granularity.

Botpress has all these enterprise-grade features built in.

A major consideration for any enterprise is that nothing you release detracts from your brand. Indeed, the whole idea of deploying chatbots is that they will enhance a customer’s interactions with you—improving brand perception. This means the chatbot needs to remove as much friction as possible in allowing the customer to complete the job at hand—and at the same time be a pleasure to use.

The chatbot must also be aesthetically pleasing, and consistent with your established brand aesthetics. This can be an issue for enterprises at the moment, because many chat platforms have limited features for controlling this. (We suspect this will change as chatbots become more graphical, but for now, rest assured Botpress has you covered here.)

Enterprises also need sophisticated and customizable analytics to monitor and refine the brand experience. Analytics can help identify problems and opportunities. Using market segmentation, A/B testing and other analytics within Botpress, you can not only capture valuable information about your customers, but also personalize the chatbot experience at an individual level—potentially enhancing the brand experience even further.

As an enterprise, you must be sure you have the ability to scale the performance of your systems. A chatbot must be able to perform at a high volume of interactions—particularly a high volume of simultaneous interactions.

To ensure this can happen, not only must the underlying framework support the architecture required for this kind of parallel processing, but the framework itself must be capable of these performance levels.

The framework should have the necessary stress-testing and analytics tools built in to ensure that whatever performance levels you require can be planned for, and tested in advance. Botpress was built with this in mind.

You need to be able to manage the various teams you have involved in bot implementation. Not only must this management be efficient, but also secure. The chat content should be managed by the content team (pre- and post-deployment), while the flow must be created and managed by the developers. This type of role separation needs to be implemented in the framework in three ways:

  1. You must be able to separate the content and flow in the first place, so they can be created and managed independently. Botpress invented Universal Message Markdown for this purpose.
  2. You must be able to control access to the system and its interfaces pre- and post-deployment using multi-user management and role-based security. Moreover, you would likely want to be able to monitor and manage all your bots from one dashboard. Botpress has all this taken care of.
  3. You want the facility for team members to easily understand where components and functionality fit in, even if they weren’t involved in the original implementation. This requires a framework with an elegant and extensible architecture—like Botpress. Additionally, the overall systems complexity is reduced when you have a framework that enforces and promotes good design.

To have control over the code and the data, you must have access to the code and data. While it’s obvious to point this out, many bot solutions do not give enterprises control of the source code or the data—which limits their flexibility. With full control of the data and source code, you can fully integrate and customize any bot, and also share common functionality (such as payment capabilities) between bots.

You need your bots to be positivity differentiated against your competition. To achieve this, you have to use the framework that gives you the flexibility and efficiency to create the best customer experience with the resources and in the time required. Theoretical ideals are of no help when you have hard resource limits and deadlines. The whole philosophy of Botpress is to be great at building great bots—to reduce the investment of resources and time compared to other platforms.

The endgame: customer experience

All of the above considerations potentially differentiate an enterprise bot from a bot created to provide services for a smaller business. While they’re important, and must be addressed, the main priority is to develop a bot that succeeds in offering the customer a much better way of accomplishing the job at hand. This is not the exclusive goal of the enterprise, as smaller businesses are just as concerned about creating great customer experiences, but it is a point that must be emphasized.

There can sometimes be the tendency when a new technology emerges to embrace it to such an extent that the customer experience is unintentionally deprioritized. While this danger exists for all companies, it might be harder to catch within enterprises because it’s harder for managers in large organizations to monitor every detail of what is going on.

One particularly dangerous space for enterprises in the chatbot space is the use of AI. While amazing advances in Natural Language Processing (NLP) have meant that the speaker’s intentions in natural language can be identified with a high degree of confidence, there is a mistaken perception that AI more generally is able to carry out deeper conversations with customers about their products. While these types of systems may be viable in future, right now trying to get a chatbot to understand context, ambiguity and have a meaningful memory is a quixotical quest that can suck up endless resources and time.

Enterprises need to consider many issues when building a chatbot experience for their customers. And that is in addition to making sure that the chatbot solves a real problem for the end customer and that the experience is truly great. Even if you start by building simple prototypes that you roll out to a limited customer base, there are still important issues to consider, including ensuring that the prototype is built on a framework that will make it easy to proceed towards production once the relevant information has been gathered.

Want the best chatbot you’ve ever seen?

We’re excited about building bots for large or promising companies/projects. We strive to develop only the best chatbots and we always overdeliver. If you qualify to work with us, we’ll provide you with a free quote within 48 hours. You have no obligation to do business with us and we have a fair money-back guarantee (but nobody ever claimed it).